Organisational advice

An organisation which presents an integrated picture of its business risks takes a huge stride towards being truly in control. Riskonet’s integrated risk management is based on a broad vision of risks – asset-related and otherwise. They give you a better overview, more insight and, ultimately, a better result.

An integrated safety policy calls for a good overview and insight into the bigger picture of the risks and associated measures. When assessing, covering and insuring risks, too many decision-makers focus only on complying with legislation and regulations (compliance) and/or the requirements of the insurer. But it is important to develop your own vision in the area of risks and safety, as well as for investments and the manner and level of insurance. This will prevent other parties from overly influencing your policy, dictating how you insure and for how much you insure. Having a mature vision when it comes to safety and risks lets you make your own choices, and to be and stay “in the lead”.

If you don’t have an overview, insight or vision, you will be vulnerable to the consequences of unexpected risks. And thus open to major damage. Sometimes, measures that you take can turn out to be ineffective, or responsibilities can lack the required clarity. Furthermore, investments made in safety can range from over-the-top to inadequate, meaning you can be seriously over- or under-insured. In a nutshell: if you don’t have a balanced and integrated safety policy, you are putting your business-critical processes and activities at risk – possibly threatening your organisation’s continuity in the process.

What does Riskonet offer?

Riskonet offers you a complete overview, in both breadth and depth. Our consultants can validate corporate policy at location level. They can establish links between various risk-related departments in the organisation, such as “environment, health and safety” (EHS), insurance, security and the supply chain. And last but not least, Riskonet can link your strategic and operational objectives to risk management.

A broad perspective of the organisation and its risks

At Riskonet we like to base our advice on a broad perspective of the organisation and the risks that its assets will be exposed to in the event of a calamity. This could include a fire, a flood, a natural disaster, the bankruptcy of a supplier, and many other potential disasters. Our experts also take other operational risks into account, such as business losses and liabilities. Do you, for example, have reason to believe that a complete overview might be lacking in your organisation? And have all the right responsibilities been assumed in the right places?

In addition to offering insight and overview, our risk professionals also provide organisational advice on which you can develop your own vision on risks and safety. This lets you define your own policy, which ultimately leads to sound risk-management choices.

To complement our advisory services, we can also help you set up and optimise the position of risk and insurance manager. Depending on your requirements, this is a role we could play in your organisation, either on an interim or part-time basis.

Local offices


Ron de Bruijn

The Netherlands
+31 85 043 79 40
[email protected]


Tom de Nooij

The Netherlands
+31 85 043 79 40
[email protected]


Özlem Emgen

+90 533 21 12 051
[email protected]


Leszek Golachowski

+48 663 336 844
[email protected]


Chris Brits

South Africa
+27 83 456 7424
[email protected]


Janet Short

Coal Point (Sydney)
+61 (0)49 3868111
[email protected]