
Companies face a diversity of operational risks. Asset-related risks are often tangible and more easily identified, which cannot be said for the various liability risks. For most companies, liability risks constitute a grey area and their potential consequences are underestimated. Where does your organisation stand in the area of liability?

What does Riskonet offer?

We provide insight into operational risks, as well as their potential consequences. We can also advise your organisation on adequate control measures, including for the various forms of liability. From our integrated approach, we show the correlation between aspects that include occupational safety, product safety, contract management, business continuity and reputation. We differentiate between the following forms of liability:

  • Productaansprakelijkheid;
  • Product liability;
  • Employer’s liability;
  • Environmental liability;
  • Professional liability;
  • Contractual liability;
  • General (legal) liability.

Different forms of liability can lead to different types of damage. These include:

  • Material and consequential damage due to business interruption;
  • Personal injury and medical costs;
  • Legal costs;
  • (Product) recall costs and loss of turnover;
  • Financial loss.

A single calamitous event is often followed by several consequential damage components. Using scenario analyses, we provide insight into and quantify the various damage components of feasible calamitous events. This makes your liability risks more tangible and identifiable.

As part of our integrated approach, in addition to asking which risks you are willing to be exposed to, our experts also ask which risks you are able to be exposed to. What kind of event and what level of damage will jeopardise the continuity of your company and/or lose you the confidence of your financiers? If your company is listed on the stock exchange, ask yourself what kind of event could have negative repercussions for your share price.

Based on the results of these in-depth analyses, you can make well-founded decisions regarding a possible need for additional management measures. These can include, for example, changing insurance policies, as well as their limits.

At Riskonet we’ll be more than happy to support your organisation by providing insight into potential damage events, the possible damage components of these events, as well as the financial consequences of liability risks. You can also fall back on our extensive experience in strategic and operational risk assessments for organisations, which we carry out in many sectors.



Local offices


Ron de Bruijn

The Netherlands
+31 85 043 79 40
[email protected]


Tom de Nooij

The Netherlands
+31 85 043 79 40
[email protected]


Özlem Emgen

+90 533 21 12 051
[email protected]


Leszek Golachowski

+48 663 336 844
[email protected]


Chris Brits

South Africa
+27 83 456 7424
[email protected]


Janet Short

Coal Point (Sydney)
+61 (0)49 3868111
[email protected]